Interim Talent

Interim talent is a valuable resource for Novaltum. They provide flexibility and specialised expertise when needed. Novaltum has a clear understanding of its staffing needs and timelines and has a streamlined onboarding process. Interim talent is sourced through reputable staffing agencies, online job boards, or personal networks. 


Knowledge Sharing

Data Analysis

Add Assistant


Customer Services

Responsive Design


By professionals

Interim Talent Benefits:  

Interim talent is sourced through a variety of channels, including reputable staffing agencies, online job boards, and personal networks. We partner with trusted staffing agencies with proven track records in providing high-caliber interim professionals across various industries and domains. Additionally, we leverage online job boards and tap into our extensive network of industry contacts to identify candidates with the specialised expertise and skills required for specific projects or roles.

Intuitive system

What you see is what you get

Insert text styles like headers, bold, italic, lists, and fonts with a simple WYSIWYG editor. Flexible and easy to use.

Customization tool

Click and change content directly from the front-end: no complex back end to deal with.

Building blocks system

Create your page from scratch by dragging and dropping pre-made, fully customizable building blocks.

Our Case Studies

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